ROBERT BERMAN GALLERY presents LOST & FOUND/ABSTRACTING LOS ANGELES 1945 - 1980 - paintings, drawings, sculptures and assemblages from obscure and known artists who used different media to interpret the abstract expressionist movement with a Los Angeles twist. The focus will be post war works up to the early 1980's. This exhibition will show different media relating to Los Angeles' interpretation of modernism with an emphasis on the difference between Los Angeles and its East Coast counterpart.
Exhibition includes select works by Elsa Warner, Stanley Tschopp, Max Finkelstein, Ted Gilien, Eugene Berman, Jules Engel, Richard Newton, Russ Tamblyn, John Grillo, Ben Talbert, Hans Burkhardt, James Gill, Paul Bruch, Norman Zammitt, Agnes Kellog, William Tunberg, Henrietta Berk, Joe Goode, Oskar Fischinger, Frank Lobdell, John Baldessari, Ed Kienholz, Bruce Conner, Craig Kauffman, Carlos Almaraz, Llyn Folkes, Norton Wisdom, Rico Lebrun, Larry Bell, Eric Orr, Man Ray, Don Sorenson, John Altoon and Robert Graham.
Pacific Standard Time is a collaboration of more than sixty cultural institutions across Southern California, coming together for six months beginning in October 2011 to tell the story of the birth of the Los Angeles art scene and how it became a major new force in the art world. For further information, please visit the official website at: